Winchmore Hill Residents Association is a non-political group run by residents, who seek to protect the quality of life in Winchmore Hill, now and for future generations

Update on Dining on the Green Consultation

Many thanks to those who made it to the AGM. There were a number of issues to cover as you will have seen from the agenda but we want to bring your attention to some important developments as far as the pedestrianisation of the Green is concerned.

The scheme has been made permanent and we supported the scheme from the beginning but the scheme needs a number of changes. This was recognised by the council who have produced a couple of different sets of plans in the last 14 months since the changes were first talked about. They have agreed on a consultation on this process which unfortunately has taken 10 months to put in place. It is now underway and there is a consultation that runs until 30th November 2022. We would urge you to read our thoughts on these proposals before you respond to the consultation.

We also feel strongly that the Green deserves a more integrated approach and so we have a two stage plan, the first part is getting the changes proposed by Enfield adapted and agreed, the second part of the plan is to simultaneously work towards a more ambitious plan based on an inspiring set of designs created by our Planning representative Niki-Marie Jansson. Niki-Marie is a local architect who grew up in the area and now works on the Green. She has a passion for this type of public space project and has the vision and skills to make this pedestrianised area into something special for future generations.

She has put together some drawings and designs showing how effective some relatively small changes could be to create a more integrated, greener and attractive entrance and boundaries to the outdoor dining area.

These are the starting point for a discussion alongside the proposed changes by Enfield Council on how we can truly make this scheme feel permanent, practical and one that works with and enhances the beauty and the heritage of the Green. We plan to work with residents and the businesses on the Green to make sure that everyone is behind the vision set out in these plans. We can then move forward to investigate sources of funding.

First things first we need to make sure that the basic changes that are being consulted on are agreed and we feel they need to be slightly adapted from the current proposal. If you agree with our thoughts please reiterate these in your response to the consultation. Even if you don’t please respond to this consultation with your feedback.

Please read our thoughts on this proposal first and then to respond to the consultation please email with the subject “Traffic Team” before the 30th November 2022. 

Please click here to see the pdf of the letter and the plan proposed by Enfield Council

Please click here to see a pdf of our response to the plans to be summitted to the consultation

Please click here to see the pdf with plans and drawings for further changes to the Green that we would like to develop


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