Winchmore Hill Residents Association is a non-political group run by residents, who seek to protect the quality of life in Winchmore Hill, now and for future generations

Winchmore Hill Residents Association AGM

Thursday 7th November 2024 – 7.30 to 9.30pm Waterhouse Hall (behind the United Reform Church at the top of Compton Road)



Update on fund raising for planters and plants at Winchmore Hill Station

We have raised almost all of the money we need for the planters, hanging baskets and plants for the station thanks in part from a couple of very generous donations, those who donated know who they are and we would like to offer our sincere thanks to them for this and of course all the other smaller donations that have been crucial to get close to our target.

There is still money needed and we hope to go beyond the original brief to add extra planters and to liase with Holly Francesca, an artist who has already created a while ago a beautiful hand illustrated map of Winchmore Hill (see below) with key local landmarks and places. We need to get it updated and printed on to aluminium and to have one on either side of the platform.



We will also be considering more planters as well a feature planter with the station name.

If you haven’t already (there are a lot of you on this mailing list who haven’t donated) then please donate what you can, £5, £10, it all counts. You can either donate using Paypal (here is the link: ) either with a Paypal account or with a debit or credit card.

Alternatively if you want to make a bank transfer then our bank details are as follows (please put “Planter donation” in the reference)

Winchmore Hill Residents Association
Account number: 20293180
Sort code: 20-29-77


A number of local petitions we think you should know about

Grovelands Cafe:

As many of you know a tree fell on Groveland’s Cafe a while ago now and as a result there isn’t a cafe or toilet facilities available currently. There is a petition on to show support for the cafe and to highlight the situation. It has only been going over two weeks and already has 1,294 signatures.

Enfield say they are investigating costs but it does seem to appear that they are not willing to pay the costs and start the work to allow the cafe and toilets to reopen.

This is a much loved place and many people visit the cafe and use the toilet facilities so please sign the petition to support the campaign to get these facilities mended and operational again.

Speed cameras on A10:

There has been a campaign to get speed cameras put on the section of the A10 between the A406 junction and the Southbury road for a long time. There were average speed cameras installed in the section north of this to M25 and it is understood to have been very effective.

A campaign to bring this to TFL’s attention again and get them to act has been started in memory of Laura Sone-Demetrious who many of you might have read at the time was killed in January of this year along with her two dogs by a young driver when crossing the A10. The petition calls for a number of measures for the A10 to increase safety alongside other national measures aimed at reducing deaths and injuries caused specifically by younger people driving dangerously and seeks to limit their ability to own and drive fast and powerful cars.