Winchmore Hill Residents Association is a non-political group run by residents, who seek to protect the quality of life in Winchmore Hill, now and for future generations

Contact us

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    Alternatively, we may be contacted by email at

    If you would like to contact us by post our address is:
    WHRA, c/o 20 The Green, London,N21 1AY

    The committee is made up of:

    President: Robert Taylor
    Chair: Ed Balleny
    Vice-Chair: TO BE FILLED
    Secretary/Minutes Secretary: Christopher Cole
    Treasurer: Maria Petrou
    Membership Secretary: Ed Balleny
    Transport: Robert Taylor
    Planning:  Niki-Marie Jansson
    Crime: Ed Knight
    Environment: Maria Panayi
    Design and Communications: Neil Littman
    Events: TO BE FILLED (Please contact us if you would like this to be you)
    Social Media: TO BE FILLED (Please contact us if you would like this to be you)


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    We do not store your personal information for any other purpose than that of our own use. Please see our Privacy and Cookies Policy page for more details.