Parking issues near Salisbury Pub
A resident has brought to our attention a situation that he says has been happening since the beginning of the year. It is difficult to believe (although unfortunately we have seen this level of anti-social behaviour on the Green so it shouldn’t be a surprise) but on a Friday and Saturday night people coming to the Salisbury Pub are parking completely on the pavement on both sides of the road and parking literally wherever they like.
The photos to the left are a couple of the worse examples but 20 cars were parked in a similar fashion a couple of weeks ago.
The sheer tenacity of the resident when dealing with the council has resulted in a promise that they would send enforcement which did happen although it is understood that relatively few tickets were issued and instead the parking enforcement team spent more time telling the pub that it was their fault. We will be working with the pub and the council to make sure that this cannot carry on.
We feel that if there is a consistent and effective enforcement over a period of at least a month of Fridays and Saturdays then the message will be understood and they will either park considerately, not bring their cars or go elsewhere. We are happy to see a local business flourish but the increased capacity that the outside area has brought has potentially seen a surge of people descending on the pub who feel the need to drive there. There is also the issue of anti-social behaviour and noise as many of this crowd stay in the vicinity of the pub and the car park after closing as well. This many cars also raises the question of whether there is drink driving going on as well. We will update you on this issue in the next couple of weeks.
If you have been affected by this please let us know by email,
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