New committee members needed
We are looking for a couple of new members to join the committee and they would be voted on at the next general meeting.
Planning representative – Please get in touch with us if you would like to help by evaluating planning applications that are likely to have a major impact on our area and working with residents on any specific planning concerns.
Crime representative – We think it is important to have someone who can monitor crime in the area and think about initiatives that we can lead on to reduce crime. If you feel you could make a difference by coming on board with this role please get in touch.
Transport Users representative – We feel Winchmore Hill should have a voice in terms of the train service and also bus service in the area. There are passenger groups that meet with the train operators in particular and would be very beneficial to have a local train user attending and speaking up for the residents where need be. If you take the train and the recent reduction in service is something you would like to see reversed soon then please get in touch.
Environment representative – A group has been started to look at improving the open space and the green areas of Winchmore HIll but we would like someone to lead this. There would lots of support available both from the committee and from volunteers already keen to help out with things like litter picking or plans to plant up unloved areas locally. Please get in touch if this is something that you feel passionate about.
If you would like to put yourself forward for any of these roles then please contact us at or via the contact form on the website which you can go to by clicking here.
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