The Enfield Draft Local Plan
The Enfield Draft Local Plan
Enfield have drawn up a draft local plan for consultation. The plan aims to consider the likely places and types of development that Enfield will have to consider over the next twenty years for building the homes that the increased population in Enfield will need and the Government will require. This plan has caused a great deal of outrage across the borough in particular because it proposes major developments that encroach on the Green Belt and development of a number of sites across the borough that are controversial. There are currently three such sites in our local area, Sainsburys (turning the car park and possibly the wooded area into space for flats), Ford’s Grove Car Park (to be developed) and Firs Farm Wetlands (which they propose as a possible site for a crematorium on the car park and adjacent football field).
The WHRA has put together a response to this document covering our objection to development on Green Belt land in the borough and specifically highlighting our objections to development on the three sites locally. You can view the document by clicking the image below.
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