Winchmore Hill Residents Association is a non-political group run by residents, who seek to protect the quality of life in Winchmore Hill, now and for future generations

Online Membership sign up form


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What are the issues that matter most to you?

In accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, the information that you have provided on this form to the Winchmore Hill Residents Association will be used to store your personal data securely either electronically or in paper form only in connection with running residents association; to communicate with you by email, post or phone; and will only be shared with the WHRA Committee. Please say YES by ticking the consent box below!

Winchmore Hill Residents Association will use the information you provide on this form to communicate with you about events, updates, newsletters and subscription renewals. Please confirm all the ways you would like to continue hearing from us:

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We will always treat your personal information with respect.

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