Hoppers Road Development
The garages on Hoppers Road between Arundel Gardens and Arlow Road junctions were sold recently and the developers Hilton Maydal have acquired the plot.
They propose a build 9 flats of varying sizes to be squeezed into this triangular shaped plot. As you can see from the photo above which although tries to minimise the height comparison with buildings around it, the building still dominates the road and other houses and this is clear from the drawings of the elevations below.
They asked HPD a planning company to run a consultation which happened in early March, the invitation for this consultation can be seen to the left (to read the letter click on the image and it will open as a pdf). This invite was only circulated to a very small number of properties in Hoppers Road in the vicinity of the proposed development.
Many questions were asked many of which were still unanswered during and after this process.
The developers have now submitted a planning application which you can see here.
The WHRA doesn’t object to the development in principle but we oppose the application for these reasons:
- The consultation period was not wide enough and was too rushed, a box ticking exercise, poorly carried out.
- The height of the proposed building is too high in comparison to the houses around it
- The overall design is not in keeping with the surrounding architectural style including the facades and roofs
- The density of building, the floor space of each flat and the narrow rooms that are proposed are not appropriate