456 Bus Route through Winchmore Hill – update January 2021
The 456 Bus Route through the centre of Winchmore Hill that was proposed and underwent a consultation process that started in October 2019 is now being implemented. The WHRA did not oppose the introduction of the bus route from the beginning as we could see that there was a case for the route based on the lack of available existing bus services along the proposed route but we could see there might be issues with some of the bus stop placements that we identified where we could and made our concerns clear.
Enfield Council published earlier in 2020 the plans for Farm Road bus stops and the loss of parking for the residents through the implementation of double yellow lines on the Highfields School side of the road.The details of where the other bus stops will be placed and their design was released just before Christmas. All the letters relating to the bus stop are below.
There has been opposition to the location of the bus stops in Station Road, the loss of parking from the double yellow lines required in Farm Road and the location and traffic caused by the bus route along Firs Lane. We have made recommendations to move the stop in the lower end of Station Road, asked the council if they can consider helping those who currently park on the road in Farm Road with costs of getting a drop kerb and changes to the bus stop design in Firs Lane. Concerns about traffic congestion along the route we believe to be exaggerated given that the bus frequency is only 2 an hour and that some of the traffic especially school traffic relevant to Firs Lane might actually be reduced with a bus service that pupils could use to get home.
The period in which they would agree to look at concerns over the bus stops (it is not a consultation as such) was extended to the 11th January. Unfortunately this has given very little time after the Christmas and New Year period for us to put together our recommendations and for us to submit them. Even after this date it might be worth sending your thoughts to the officer in charge of this scheme, Jonathan Goodson (jonathan.goodson@enfield.gov.uk).
Our document with the recommendations for bus stop changes is here (please click on the image to open in a new tab in pdf format)
Original plan of the route (please click on the image to open in a new tab in pdf format)
Links below in green open up in pdf format in a separate tab.
Letter we sent in to the council in response to the consultation outlining our concerns for Station Road and the layby by the station
WHRA Response to consultation for new 456 Bus Route
Consultation Report
Letter sent by council outlining plans for parking restriction in Farm Road
ConsultationLetter-FarmRdDYLs-Sep2020 (1)
Plans for implementation of the parking restriction in Farm Road.
Recent letter from the WHRA regarding loss of parking in Farm Road
Letter from WHRA to David Taylor in relation to loss of parking in Farm Road for 456 Bus Route
Letters received in December 2020 relating to placement of bus stops in Station Road top and bottom, Church Hill and Firs Lane
Letter December 18th 20290 in relation to bus stops on Station Road nearest Green Lanes
Letter December 18th 2020 in relation to bus stops on Station Road at the top near the station
Letter December 18th 2020 in relation to bus stops on Church Hill near Park View
Letter December 18th 2020 in relation to bus stops on Church Hill near Denleigh Gardens
Letter December 18th 2020 in relation to bus stops in Firs Lane
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